Unifor Local 195 > President’s Message

Dear Members,

Our Local Union was formed in 1936 to improve, protect, and promote the interests of workers. While a lot has changed in over 80 years, that basic premise remains the same.

In order to serve our members best, our Union is committed to being involved on multiple fronts. Most people take it for granted that their Union is there to negotiate fair contracts and to ensure the employer upholds the agreements using the grievance process when needed. Our members also get support, guidance, and representation for WSIB, EI, and CPP appeals. However, your Local Union strives to go beyond those very important basics. Our Committees for example, are active in areas such as Health and Safety, the Environment, Human Rights, and Education, just to name a few. The reasons are simple, in order to be successful at the core, we need to involve our members in the issues that are important to them.

Our Union is also active politically because those issues impact our members. Free trade, hydro privatisation and pension reform are just a few examples of issues that effect our members and demonstrate the need to have a united voice in order to be heard.

In order to build a strong and united membership, we are always looking at ways to involve more members to be an active part of their Union. Your Union is made up of over 4,000 active members and nearly as many retirees and includes you. Its not something you observe, its something you belong to.

Our Union is a work in progress that constantly requires new energy and ideas and each member is uniquely qualified to add to this dynamic. If you don’t like the direction your Union is heading, get involved and be part of the change. If you’re satisfied with the progress being made, help propel it to the next level by attending a meeting, joining a committee or participating in an event. One of the reasons we enjoy the rights and benefits we have today is because others chose to get involved before us. The values and principles of our Union were defined by those members who chose to be activists then. You can help shape the future of your Union and make it want you want it to be by choosing to get involved now.

In Solidarity,
Emile Nabbout
Unifor Local 195 President